DOWNLOAD THE PDF In the update below, you will find the following links that will direct you to the topics and resources we have assembled for your benefit. I hope you find it informative and useful. If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for

I read an article today that I think reflects what we are thinking at Mills Wealth Advisors right now. Now, I don’t agree with 100% of what was written, but the main premise I agree with very much. We have been having many conversations with clients about their current

If your neighborhood is anything like mine, there are probably signs about a community yard/garage sale every weekend. With the wild flowers in full bloom, spring cleaning has begun and just about everyone is joining in. However, I pose this question, “why stop with your house?” Why not do some

right questions about investing

In the article below, Peter hits the nail on the head with his point about cost. Many articles fiercely debate which is better: active management or passive management. Attempting to out-guess other portfolio managers (active management), these articles often promote index funds (a form of passive management) as superior to