How Markets Across the World Performed in the Fourth Quarter of 2021


Each quarter we put together a PowerPoint detailing how different markets performed over the last quarter. You will notice that in Quarter 4 of 2021 most markets were up. The US Market was up9.28% while the International Developed Market was up 3.14% and the Emerging Market was down a whopping 1.31%%. Global Real Estate was up the highest at 12.35%. The bond market continued its recovery from the negative 1st quarter to post a mere 0.01% return in the US and 0.07% Globally.

Over the past year, most equity markets are still up. US 25.66%, International Developed 12.62%, Global Real Estate 31.38% and Emerging is down 2.54%. Both US and Global Bond Markets are down. US down 1.54%%, Global down 1.40%.

thumbnail of Q4 Market Review Slides 2021