Mills Wealth Financial Advisors - southlake wealth

We get asked this question about every 4 years, “If [insert candidates name] is elected should we sell our stocks?” And our answer is usually the same, that we believe that the stock market doesn’t usually react to which president is elected to the white house and that the president

There is a lot to learn from past financial recessions. There have been as many as 48 financial recessions in the US going back to the Articles of Confederation. Though some of these are disputed by economists and historians. The good news is going back to 1926 we have some

DOWNLOAD THE PDF In the update below, you will find the following links that will direct you to the topics and resources we have assembled for your benefit. I hope you find it informative and useful. If you have an extra second, read Section III: Around the MWA Office for

Government Shutdown – Will My Portfolio Go Down? You may have asked your advisor this question, googled this question, or just plain wondered “will my portfolio go down if the government shuts down?” The answer to this question is, probably not. This does not mean that you should not concern

Download the PDF Section I: Market Update Report The first quarter of 2020 was volatile, to say the least. If you click on this link, you will be able to download our graphical review of the first quarter. In this, you will find that all global equity markets were down,

Download the PDF We wanted to address a recent client question that we thought made a great point. “If the S&P500 rises 7.71% this quarter and my account is up only 2% over the same quarter, am I losing out on return and is going to hurt my chances of