Managing finances can be a daunting task, and it’s not something that everyone can do well. Many people turn to financial advisors to get help in navigating the complex world of investments, savings, and planning. However, just choosing an advisor isn’t enough, it’s essential to choose the right financial advisor
Fiduciary Duty Recently I was invited to speak on the New Planner Podcast about how I ended up with Mills Wealth Advisors and why I chose Mills Wealth Advisors over the many other offers I received across the country. It was really fun to get to tell my story and
If you are going to buy a new printer, I wouldn’t recommend you go talk with your attorney about which printer is best (unless you are worried about your liability). Yes, attorneys use printers probably more than any other professional you know, but are they qualified to tell you which
Am I Paying too Much for My Investments?
Have you ever wondered if you are paying too much for your investments? If so, you’re not alone. We have clients come to us to be a second set of eyes on their portfolio and ask this quite often. The short of it is, maybe. You have to make sure