The leaves are changing, the weather is cooling down, and football is finally back—there’s always a lot happening in fall. But wait, there’s more! September is also National College Savings Month, a time to celebrate the power of investing in education and securing a brighter future for our children and

There are many strategies that can help make a great financial plan. One strategy that often flies under the radar but deserves significant attention is the Roth Conversion. This maneuver involves converting funds from a traditional IRA or 401(k) into a Roth IRA, and it can be a powerful tool

In the realm of financial planning, understanding the intricacies of investment strategies and tax implications is crucial for maximizing wealth. One such concept that often goes underutilized or misunderstood is Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA). Our goal is to demystify NUA, explaining its significance, benefits, and how it can be a

Navigating the retirement planning landscape often feels riddled with complexity, confounded by extensive paperwork and intricate decision-making processes due to a multitude of available pension plans. Today, I invite you to explore a simplified, yet profoundly effective approach to retirement planning designed meticulously for independent professionals, freelancers, and solo entrepreneurs.

I know it’s mid-year of 2023, but are you thinking about your taxes and financial strategies for 2026? If not, you should be.  We had this conversation with a client who is planning on selling their business soon, and they were surprised to hear that 2026 is such an important

PAYING YOUR KIDS AS A BUSINESS OWNER Paying your children may be one of the most underutilized tax strategies of small businesses owners. Yes, you can hire your children to work for you, and you’re able to pay them a legitimate wage. There are multiple planning opportunities that become available

In an engaging piece by David Booth, the founder and chair of Dimensional Fund Advisors, a critical question is raised – can artificial intelligence (AI) help pick stocks? With the advent of technology capable of processing vast amounts of data, many might be inclined to say yes. However, Booth offers

Knowing how much cash you have coming in and how much is going out is important, but knowing why and where the money is going is another level of awareness most don’t take the time to dissect. Whether you’re a business owner or non-business owner planning for retirement, having a

Unlocking Retirement Wealth: The Power of the Solo 401(k) and Backdoor Roth IRA When it comes to investing for retirement, there’s a plethora of choices at our disposal. The options may range from traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, and Roth IRAs, to lesser-known alternatives such as the Solo 401(k) and Backdoor Roth

In Today’s world, a world without pensions and worries about the future of Medicare and Social Security, saving for your retirement is a critical part of financial planning, and for many people, a 401(k) plan is a large component of that plan. A 401(k) plan allows individuals to save money